Sunday, September 08, 2013

Sunday at the Cracker Workshop...

Busy day here at the workshop... Grabbed an extra hour of sleep and enjoyed the first waking hour just appreciating Sunday... But back to work and multi-tasking ... both printers are going full speed with more jokes and activity sheets happily spewing out of my workhorse HP's, 2 more pots of tomatoes rendering down to juice for the freezer, a load of laundry in, a load of dishes done, watering potted veggies & flowers & propagating 6 new strawberry plants from runners - - -  all more or less simultaneously!

  It's break time now & I am on my way out to the sunny porch for a cuppa coffee and to cut THOUSANDS of jokes down to cracker-size on my lovely new titanium blade cutter. There are a dozen or so new jokes this season. I really hope you enjoy them all!

Happy Sunday to YOU!

Cheers Everyone
from your Chief Cracker Elf,

Christmas cracker activity sheet - GillianCrackers     Puzzles - Christmas cracker activity sheet - GillianCrackers

Christmas cracker joke - GillianCrackers


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